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Hotel linen cleaning sewage treatment equipment

   Release date: 2023-03-15     Hits: 116    Comment: 0    
Note: Washing sewage treatment equipment, -washing plant sewage treatment equipment, -clothing plant sewage treatment equipmen
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Cloth washing factory Laundry Factory Laundry room Laundry washing Factory Washing factory Hotel linen washing dry cleaners Hotel Laundry Room Hotel Sheet washing Hotel bed Cover washing Hotel hotel hotel Washing hospital laundry room washing service center hospital washing health washing civil laundry plant down washing industrial laundry plant water reuse laundry plant water reuse laundry Reuse water in the room, reuse water in the factory, reuse water in the dry cleaner, reuse water in the hotel bed sheet, reuse water in the hotel bed cover, reuse water in the hotel laundry, reuse water in the hospital laundry, reuse water in the washing service center, reuse water in the hospital, reuse water in the health wash, reuse water in the hotel
The advantages of manmade detergent are undisputed. However, the application of manmade detergent will increase the content of surfactants and phosphorus compounds in urban sewage, which will cause water pollution and promote water eutrophication.
The wide application of biochemically-oxidized surfactants, meaningless will improve the biological purification effect of municipal sewage. However, due to their low allowable concentration in water, especially non-ionic surfactants increase the content of phosphorus compounds in urban sewage, it is necessary to further remove these pollutants in urban sewage treatment, which leads to the increase of the cost of contaminated water treatment.
Prepurification of sewage in laundry can reduce the content of surfactant and polymeric phosphide in urban purification structures.
Laundry laundry sewage treatment: based on the research results of recycling of washing sewage in foreign countries in recent years, and aiming at the current situation of washing sewage in domestic laundry, the recycling scheme of washing sewage is put forward. The sewage is divided into mass recycling, and only the water treated for secondary and tertiary rinsing is recycled back to the washing and primary rinsing stage. The coagulation and precipitation experiments of washing wastewater were carried out, and the results showed that the coagulation and precipitation treatment method of laundry sewage treatment equipment could basically meet the requirements of recycling of washing wastewater.
There are two main ways to discharge the wastewater from the washing industry: one is to discharge the wastewater from the washing plant to the urban sewage treatment plant (municipal sewer network), the other is to discharge it directly to the river and the earth in the suburbs or rural areas. In the absence of low-cost underground well water use, it is suggested that the reuse standard can greatly save the operation cost of enterprises while meeting the environmental protection requirements.
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