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Fluorescent agent in the laundry solution? Don't panic. Fluorescent agents are as toxic as salt

   Release date: 2022-12-06     Hits: 119    Comment: 0    
Note: In recent years, major websites, media and we media have become accustomed to the news of fluorescent agent detected in
 In recent years, major websites, media and we media have become accustomed to the news of "fluorescent agent detected in laundry solution", and the following rumors such as "growth fluorescent agent is toxic", "fluorescent agent will stimulate body lesions" and "fluorescent agent will cause infertility" have repeatedly inspired users to pay attention and talk about it
There are many places where friends don't inquire about fluorescent agents. The attention of large areas of users should be carefully concentrated on the following questions: is fluorescent agent toxic? Will it be safe forever? Does the country have any rigid regulations on the application of fluorescent agents?
In fact, fluorescent agents are common in our lives. Countless people almost touch all kinds of survival supplies that increase fluorescent agents every day. Then why do friends pay more and more attention to and worry about fluorescent agents over the years?
In fact, we are afraid of fluorescent agents. It's important or we don't know enough about it. What is a fluorescent agent after all? What impact does it have on our survival and body? Let's help friends inquire about fluorescent agents from several aspects. I believe that after reading this article, friends will have a scientific and accurate decomposition of fluorescent agents.
1、 What is a fluorescent agent after all?
If you want to know about fluorescent agents, you have to mention them from fluorescence. Fluorescence is a kind of luminous sign that exists throughout the daily life and natural world. In normal life, people usually call all kinds of weak light fluorescence, such as children's playful fluorescent sticks, and the light emitted by fireflies, all belong to fluorescence.
The professional definition of fluorescence is not easy to understand. It is expressed as: when a material at room temperature is illuminated by ultraviolet or X-ray, it absorbs light energy and falls behind the excitation state, and immediately de excites and emits outgoing light. Usually, the outgoing light is limited in the visible light band, and the wavelength is longer than the wavelength of incident light. The outgoing light with this property is called fluorescence.
The fluorescent rod generates fluorescence through chemical feedback; Fireflies produce fluorescence through biochemical feedback. In life, animals and objects will produce fluorescence signs. Many fermented foods, such as soy sauce, Baijiu, animal tea and so on, will also produce fluorescence. Therefore, fluorescence is a very common physical sign in daily life.
The fluorescent agent we often use in our life is an organic compound, which is also called fluorescent brightener. Fluorescent agents can absorb invisible near ultraviolet light and turn it into visible light to reflect it, so as to increase the reflectivity of objects to light. When the intensity of the reflected light (that is, the outgoing light we mentioned earlier) exceeds the intensity of the object's own visible light, the goal of whitening the object can be achieved.
In short, the fluorescent agent can hide the yellow light seen by the naked eye, and then reflect the blue purple fluorescence. In this way, the article will look whiter and visually enhance the whiteness and light of the article.
(the application of fluorescent agent will make the clothes brighter and whiter)
Application of two fluorescent agents in survival
about half a century later, a German company first discovered and applied fluorescent agents in its products. At that time, the company added the fluorescent agent into the pulp, and later discovered that the paper color caused bright white, which visually left people with the feeling of clean elegance and high character. Therefore, the product was sought after by the user crowd.
(the application of fluorescent agent will make the paper white)
So far, fluorescent agents have been widely used in all aspects of life, such as brightly colored clothes, kitchen washing supplies, office stationery, paint, etc. it can be said that fluorescent agents exist only in white places.
It is a common practice in the current industry to increase fluorescent agents in washing liquid. The clothes we wear contain a certain amount of fluorescent agent, but with the longer wearing time and the increase of washing times, the fluorescent agent will gradually lose and the clothes will turn yellow. Therefore, increasing the fluorescent agent in the washing solution will help to keep the luster of the clothes and make the clothes look old.
(it is a common practice in the industry to increase fluorescent agents in laundry detergent)
3、 Is the fluorescent agent in the detergent safe?
In recent years, the experience of blackening of fluorescent agents has become more and more serious. Some wechat quotients and we media have put forward a series of unproven untrue statements, such as "teratogenicity and cancer caused by fluorescent agents" and "infertility caused by fluorescent agents".
Spicy? Does the fluorescent agent growing in various products really harm your health? The answer should be certain: fluorescent agents are not toxic, and there is no teratogenic and carcinogenic hazard in normal application or growth!
1. Fluorescent agent and salt are equally safe
In fact, since the large-scale manufacture of fluorescent agents as industrial products, many domestic and foreign scientific research institutions and enterprises have conducted comprehensive and profound research on the safety of fluorescent agents. All research results show that the fluorescent agent will not stimulate human skin, has no obvious toxicity, and has no carcinogenicity and teratogenicity wantonly advocated by the media.
With regard to the increasing fluorescent agents in laundry detergent, the professional attempt report of the EU Detergent Association explained that through the study of the toxicity of fluorescent agents, it is proved that fluorescent agents have no carcinogenic feedback. Professor Wu Zhigang, a toxicologist in China, emphasizes that the acute toxicity grade of fluorescent agents for washing agents matches that of table salt!
Fluorescent agents are as safe as salt we eat
In this way, fluorescent agents are as safe as the salt we eat, and their lethal dose to people is very close. Ordinary healthy people can only be dangerous if they eat more than 50g at a time.
Even if a small batch of fluorescent agent is adhered to the skin during the application process, it will be easily and thoroughly washed off after hand washing and bathing, and there will be no feedback with the skin. Therefore, after inquiring about the chemical factors and toxicity feedback of fluorescent agents, friends really don't need to "talk about the color change of fluorescent agents".
2. Too much touching of fluorescent agent may cause allergy hazard
Of course, any material has two sides. Especially in the process of studying the toxicity of materials, the dose is a very important reference value. Whether the fluorescent agent is toxic is also closely related to the dose. Therefore, when applied within the normal dose limit, the fluorescent agent is safe and non-toxic. However, when the dose is much greater than the normal touch amount, a small number of individuals will have the possibility of allergic feedback.
As for the growing fluorescent agents in laundry detergent, the only harm we need to worry about is the skin allergy feedback to a few specific sensitive people. This is also one of the reasons why a few countries will restrict the application of fluorescent agents in infant clothes, sanitary napkins and special products.
In short, the probability of harm is very low only if we apply fluorescent agents within a reasonable dose limit. In fact, it is not just fluorescent agents. When studying the toxicity feedback of any material, the application of dose is the link.
4、 There are clear regulations on the application of fluorescent agents in China
Although there is no data at home and abroad to prove that fluorescent agents are harmful to human body. However, due to the consideration of protecting human health and safety at a very large level, China's industry standard clearly stipulates that only two types of fluorescent agents with the layout of stilbene biphenyl and BIS triazine Aminostilbene can be used in the products of clothing washing agents.
1. China's industry standards clearly define the application of fluorescent agents in washing agent products
At present, China has established a set of standards to standardize detergent products, including laundry liquid, laundry soap and so on. As a material for washing agent, fluorescent agent has also established a responsive industry standard.
Because the experience of increasing fluorescent agents in detergent products has been the first from a very early time, there are many thorns in setting the application standards of fluorescent agents in detergent products. In 2008, China's national development and Reform Commission issued industry standards related to washing agents. In 2011, China washing Association clearly defined specific types of fluorescent agents that can be properly applied.
Before 2008, China defined the shortage of fluorescent agents used in laundry products. Until 2008, the national development and Reform Commission clearly defined that only two types of fluorescent agents with the layout of stilbene biphenyls and ditriazine aminostilbenes can be used in laundry products.
The reason is that these two fluorescent agents have low toxicity and high degradability compared with other example fluorescent agents. At present, these two fluorescent agents are growing in the products of large area surface washing agents in China. It can be said that more than 90% of the confluent detergent products in the current environmental trend have increased the above two fluorescent agents. It is safe only if they meet the national and industrial standards.
2. Application of fluorescent agent in other industries
In addition to defining the application types and doses of fluorescent agents in washing agent products, the state also clearly defines the application of fluorescent agents in the food industry: fluorescent agents are not allowed or restricted in products such as food packaging paper, food processing equipment washing agents and tableware washing agents; Portable fluorescent materials cannot be detected in daily necessities such as wet napkins and napkins.
At the same time, all kinds of growth fluorescent products need to be tested by national standards or industry standards, and can be sold only after passing the test. Therefore, in daily life, only the products with test certificates are harmless to the human body. Friends can purchase and apply them in a peaceful manner.
Fluorescent agents have been widely used in a large number of industries and fields in China for a long time. At present, no scientific research can prove that fluorescent agents are simply harmful to the body, and there are no cases of disease and teratogenesis caused by the application of fluorescent agents. Therefore, it is unnecessary for friends to listen to rumors and have prejudices against fluorescent agents.
As users, we should be perceptual when purchasing products, and don't blindly obey the inaccurate emphasis and advocacy of unscrupulous merchants. In terms of environmental trends, many businesses have exercised the "Prejudice" of users towards fluorescent agents, thus creating gimmicks without scientific basis and claiming the view of "not increasing fluorescent agents", doubling the cost of a few products.
In addition, users should obtain scientific knowledge about fluorescent agents from giant websites and media, strengthen the verification ability under the guidance of accurate knowledge, insist on "not believing rumors and not spreading rumors", treat the environmental trend of applying fluorescent agents with a peaceful mind, purchase normal products through normal channels, purchase and apply "three no products" and touch fluorescent agents safely.
What needs to be introduced later is that although fluorescent agents have been proved to be non-toxic and harmless to human body, for the sake of caution, when washing infant clothes, we can purchase and apply washing products without fluorescent agents.
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